What is Ansible?
This short video provides a high-level overview of Ansible. This video is a small portion of the Ansible Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This short video provides a high-level overview of Ansible. This video is a small portion of the Ansible Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This brief video explains the need for Ansible including better configuration management, decreased downtime, and greater agility. This video is a small portion of the Ansible Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This video describes what YAML is and includes a demonstration of how it works. This video is a small portion of the Ansible Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This video describes what Git is incorporating topics such as remote/local repositories, working directories, and hosting services. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This brief video walks you through how to install Git on a Linux, Mac, and Windows machine. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This video walks you through file tracking with Git including commands such as git add, git status, git commit, git push origin, and git pull origin. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
File Tracking With Git Read More »
This video demonstrates how file tracking works with Git and how to utilize the various commands in a live environment. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
File Tracking With Git Demo Read More »
This video provides a live demonstration of how Git works. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
This video provides an overview of Branching including trunk-based development, branch commands, and merge commands. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
Branching Overview Read More »
This brief video outlines the branching strategy used by most companies and includes components such as the production branch, test branch, and design branch. This video is a small portion of the Git Overview Tech Session. Be sure to view that video if you are interested in more information on similar topics.
Branching Strategy Read More »